Considering these difficult economic times leads us to the conclusion that we need to work harder and concentrate even more to forge ways in establishing new contacts.
For years with a team, we run a jewellery store in the city. Having say this, today sales, especially now, in our changing world, where the internet is taking precedence. In our experience there are five phases to a successful sales presentation:
1- Initial contact
2- The needs assessment
3- The demonstration
4- Closing the Sale
5- After sales
This business process resembles a circle because, because just as with a ring, there is no predetermined beginning and end. The salesperson is not the one who dictates the process and cannot afford to assume that he or she should begin at the initial contact stage with every client. In another words, it is simply unrealistic to assume that each customer is going to follow your designed well-planned scheme.
Every customer and opportunity are different, whether in store or online. For example, if a client wants to first inspect jewellery items, another customer asks questions up front, therefore, it is the customer who dictates the sales process, and the salesperson must adapt to every different situation.
Remember the goal of every sales presentation is not only to make a sale, but also to make a personal trade, repeat or referral customer. Only through completing each phase of the selling process can and will a salesperson maximise every opportunity, building confidence for his or her future clients.